Mobile wood chippers are widely used in the preparation section of the production process in the power plant fuel, paper and artificial wood panel industries. Small wood chipper machines are particularly suitable for small homes, gardens and farms. Mobile wood chippers are flexible enough to be used on site for a variety of scenarios
The wood (branches, logs, sticks, etc.) is fed into the feed opening of the wood chipper. When the wood comes into contact with the cutting blade, it is cut with the high speed rotation of the cutting blade plate. The cut wood chips are sent out in the cutting chamber by a high speed airflow generated by the wind blade on the cutting knife plate.
The walking small wood chipper is particularly suitable for small households, garden pruning, tree crushing etc. It can cut and crush small diameter wood, garden pruning waste branches, tree branches, bamboo, grape vines, corn stems, rape seed stems, honeysuckle branches and other small shrub branches, and various livestock silage crushing. A wide variety of gardens and farms.
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Zhengzhou Weiwei Machinery Co.Ltd.
30 ears of aoricuitura machinery manufacturer, The compan's man production.orass choppe, hay mil ted rnder bale siae machine, mmer,pelet machine wood cthio mactine branch shredershaving machine, sawdust machine, motor, diesel enaine, miking machine, sprinkler Feed trucks and other garden and farming machinery
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